a special 2 day workshop
From the 13th to 15th century, small portable girdle books were produced and used in Europe. Readers carried the book attached to their belt. Today there are only twenty three known historical girdle books documented in museums, libraries and private collections; three in the United States and twenty in Europe. Proof of their frequent use is found in hundreds of paintings, sculptures and other illustrations of the times.

In this special 2 day workshop, bind a girdle book that is characteristic of the 1454 girdle binding in the NYPL Spencer Collection. Our book features a hooded and saddle-stitched headcap, tongue corners, a brass foredge clasp and an optional Turk's Head Knot, AND it is covered in lush velvet.
Bring a $25 material fee to class.
Saturday and Sunday October 29-30, 10:00 - 4:00
Tool list provided on registration.
Registration closed

In conjunction with the hands-on classes,
Full Tilt posts bi-weekly audio podcasts
at Bookbinding Now.