Internationally recognized book conservator Hedi Kyle designed this book while working at home during a blizzard. The Blizzard Book is folded from one sheet of paper - no glue, no sewing and no measuring. The book changes depending on the weight and proportions of the paper. The book can have envelope-style pages, or small moveable tabs to clasp add-on pages. The spine has the look of folded paper signatures; the cover can be paper or board. Bring a $15 material fee with you to class.
Sunday January 12th, 1:00-4:00
Registration for this class is now closed
Sturdy and Durable Books
Most books today are machine-made. We will build small handbound versions of the wire stitched and perfect bound books featured in this video. These books can be made at home without many tools and have a professional looking finish. (Note: to learn to bind a book with sewn signatures, sign up for the French Groove class listed below.) Bring a $20 material fee with you to class.

Sunday January 26th, 1:00-4:00
Registration for this class is now closed
French Groove
The French groove is the visible space or joint at the spine of a hardcover book. This book is sewn with signatures on a sewing frame and has a round spine. It opens completely flat, making it useful for artist's books and notebooks, as well as for books to be read. Material choice can make for a book that is utilitarian or coffee table deluxe. This class is a great introduction to (or review of) the materials, tools and techniques of hand binding. Bring a $20 material fee with you to class.
Saturday February 22nd, 10:00-4:00
Registration for this class is now closed
In conjunction with the hands-on classes,
Full Tilt posts bi-weekly audio podcasts at Bookbinding Now.

@ The Center for Book Arts taught by Susan Mills
Bookbinding I Feb. 24th to 28th, five days, 9am - 3pm
more information here
Ever wonder what happens to all the teaching models Susan Mills makes in class? The books are donated to The Annual New Year's Day Reading at The Poetry Project, NYC. This year 75 Susan Mills handbound books are for sale for just a few dollars each. Wednesday the First, 2PM to 1AM.
"There are three things to consider when the New Year’s Day Poetry Marathon sweeps you into its gracefully uncouth embrace — what it is, what it was, and who you will be when it’s over. An untamed gathering of the heart’s secret, wild nobility — over 140 poets together revealing not just that a better life could exist, but that it already does, sexy and wise, rancorous and sweet, big hearted and mad as hell. The Marathon measures its success through insurrectionist reframings of the universe, an in-it-together courage that crafts a community out of the riot of lineages and traditions we all emerge from. This collective effort also helps fund as many as 85 additional events every year. It’s our largest fundraiser of the year, and arguably the most inspired ongoing literary event in the city."
Happy New Year